Finnish students visiting the Netherlands |
From 29 March until 1 April 2010 a group of about 20 water sciences students from Finland (environmental engineering and water resources engineering) visited the Netherlands. The secretariate of the Netherlands National Committee IHP-HWRP arranged for a programme and hosts for 29 March 2010 and 1 April 2010. On Monday 29 March 2010 the group visited the Amsterdam Water Supply Leyduin campus, where the water from the river Rhine is purified and transported towards the coastal dunes (link and link) where it infiltrates and is pumped back towards Amsterdam. A big thank you for Frank Smits (Waternet) for enthousiastically guiding this day! Presentation Amsterdam Water Supply Dunes Presentation Water Treatment Leiduin, Amsterdam Water Supply
On Thursday 1 April 2010 the interested students where the guest of the city of Rotterdam. There they visited a waste-water treatment plant and the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, where the group was asked to evaluate final projects. A thank you to Chantal Oudkerk Pool (City of Rotterdam) and her colleagues for taking care of the programme for this day!
The water science students study at the Aalto University School of Science and Technology, formerly (until 1 January 2010) well-known as the Helsinki University of Technology. You might want to take a look at the great publications of their Water and Development research group, which is lead by Olli Varis. For example: Ulla Heinonen’s interesting PhD thesis «Can the poor enhance poverty reduction?», which gives insight in rural and urban perspectives on water resources, poverty and participatory development in the Tonle Sap Region and Phnom Penh, Cambodia. |