International symposium on droughts and low flows, including groundwater

24 October 2014, Maastricht • International symposium on droughts and low flows, including groundwater. The Netherlands Hydrological Society (NHV), together with the Deutsche Hydrologische Gesellschaft (DHG), Belgium and other international and Dutch partners, is organizing a symposium on droughts and low flows, including groundwater. It is now possible to register. 


NHV-logo 200pxDate: 24 October 2014
Venue: premises of the provincial government of Limburg, Maastricht, the Netherlands

Tentative programme (including discussion):

Opening remarks
Mr Theo Bovens, Governer of the province of Limburg


Droughts from a global and UN perspective
Mr Bruce Stewart (tbc), World Meteorological Organization


The role of climate change in droughts and low flows

Mr Eddy Moors, Alterra, Wageningen University and Research Centre


Dutch research on drought in relation to European drought policy (and an outlook to Africa)
Mr Remco van Ek, Deltares


Increasing droughts in forests of the North German lowlands? Implications for groundwater utilisation and forest management
Mr Henning Meesenburg, Nordwestdeutsche Forstliche Versuchsanstalt (NW-FVA) Göttingen


Low flow management in Wallonia
Mr P. Dierickx, Service public de Wallonie, Direction générale opérationnelle Mobilité et Voies hydrauliques, Département des Etudes et de l'Appui à la Gestion, Direction de la Gestion hydrologique intégrée


Drought between two borders: fight without weapons

— Mr Jac Peerboom, Waterschap Peel en Maasvallei (Water board for the Peel and Valley of the River Meuse)


Characterizing groundwater drought over South Germany: merging model with observations
Mr Rohini Kumar, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), together with Luis Samaniego (UFZ), Jude Musuuza (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena), and Sabine Attinger (UFZ)


Groundwater stress in the Southern Netherlands at regional and local scales
Mr Roelof Stuurman, Deltares


Droughts in Brazil: a concept to study water conflicts
Mr José Delgado, University of Potsdam


Baseflow as a tool for water management optimization
Ms Marijn Kuijper, Deltares

Registration for the conference:

• Regular participant, member of NHV or DHG: € 25,–
• Regular participant, not a member of NHV or DHG: € 40,–
• Students: no fee: free participation, but please let us know

Participants from the Netherlands: please register at the NHV website.

Participants from countries other than the Netherlands: please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Coffee, tea, lunch and reception are included in the registration.


For the afternoon of 23 October 2014 an excursion is being planned. Please let us know if you are interested to join (free)!

There will be a dinner on 23 October 2014, preceding the conference, with a lecture by Ms Francesca de Châtel: Water scarcity in the arid Middle East. Please let us know if you are interested to join (at your own cost)!


• Netherlands Hydrological Society (Nederlandse Hydrologische Vereniging, NHV)
• German Hydrological Society (Deutsche Hydrologische Gesellschaft, DHG)
Belgian National IHP Committee
German National Committee IHP-HWRP
• German Federal Institute of Hydrology (Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, BfG)
• Province of Limburg
• World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

• Dutch Foundation for Applied Water Research (Stichting Toegepast Onderzoek Waterbeheer,
• International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)
• International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS)
• Académie de l′eau (French Water Academy)

Province of Limburg
CrossVision Communications

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