1 December 2010: Dutch Annual IAH Meeting

The Annual General Meeting 2010 (in Dutch: algemene ledenvergadering) of the IAH Netherlands’ Chapter will take place on Wednesday 1 December 2010.



Deltares, Princetonlaan 6, Utrecht



15.00–16.00 Annual General Meeting
16.00–16.30 Groundwater and Mongolia, by Albert Tuinhof
16.30–17.00 Transboundary aquifers: The case of the Dinaric Karst System, by Neno Kukuric. This aquifer system is shared by Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia and Greece
17.00–18.00 Drinks and networking
18.30 Dinner (at own costs) in Utrecht City centre

IAH members are requested to inform Ms This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (1) whether they will attend the meeting and (2) whether they would like to join  for dinner.


acrobat_icon Agenda

acrobat_icon Financial report 2009

acrobat_icon Annual report 2009

acrobat_icon Report Annual General Meeting 2009

acrobat_icon Directions: how to get to Deltares, Princetonlaan 6, Utrecht


As a follow-up to the IAH Forward Look Meeting that took place in Reading in July 2010, the Netherlands’ chapter has taken the initiative to set up an IAH LinkedIn group (professional network). Potentially all 4,400 IAH members worldwide can use this for improved interaction. So far 230 members have joined within 3 months time! IAH members can join the LinkedIn group.


We hope to meet you on the 1st of December!